Diana Gooch


Psalm 150 tells us to praise the Lord. And I love to praise the Lord. And we can used string instruments to praise the Lord and we can let everything that has breath praise the Lord. I’ve loved doing it since I was 3 years old when my mother took me to cherub choir on Thursday mornings; that was my favorite time of the week.

Well, fast forward and I’m an old lady now…and how do I get to praise the Lord? I play the violin, so instrumental music is dear to my heart. If you are not a professional musician, and you want a place to play your instrument, Global Missions Project offers so many opportunities.

I’ve had a chance to go on about 14 of these trips around the world. You never know how you’re going to get to minister - whether to a whole group or small group - but you have an opportunity for the Lord to use you and your talents.


Lynn Ferguson